SQL Layoffs
Personal Project
Project Type: Data Cleaning | EDA
Date: October 2023
Location: Dallas, TX
Skills & Tools: MySQL | Excel | Data Cleaning | Exploratory Data Analysis
Achievements of Project
Accomplished duplicate removal measured by the count of unique entries after execution, doing meticulous comparisons of records across columns.
Achieved data standardization measured by the uniformity in formatting of company names, industry descriptions, and country names, by implementing normalization rules in SQL.
Handled null and blank values effectively measured by the reduction of missing data points, by converting blanks to NULLs and imputing missing industry data.
Identified trends in layoffs by industry and location measured by the frequency and distribution of layoffs, using SQL queries to group and visualize data.
Explored correlations between layoffs and company funding measured by statistical relationships, performing SQL operations to calculate and visualize these correlations.
Analyzed monthly and yearly patterns in layoffs measured by temporal distribution, using date manipulations and aggregations in SQL to generate trend overviews.
Determined the company with the biggest amount of layoffs measured by the total laid-off count, pinpointing key vulnerable players and industry shifts.
Identified the industry with the most layoffs overall and in 2022 measured by aggregate layoffs, offering insights into sector-specific downturns and economic analysis.
Analyzed layoffs by business stage measured by layoffs per stage category, revealing insights into the relative stability of startups versus mature companies.
Provided a rolling total for layoffs throughout the months measured by the cumulative effect over time, utilizing SQL cumulative functions to display ongoing impacts.
Tracked the top 5 companies with the most layoffs across multiple years measured by annual layoffs data, enabling long-term trend analysis and forecasting.
Highlighted the top 3 hardest-hit industries in recent years measured by the count and impact of layoffs, guiding strategic decisions in policy and investments.